Straight Jacket Guerrilla Film Festival (2017)
What does your film express about today’s generation?
GV29 WOMEN THE POWER PARADIGM reflects the complex realities of todays' woman. Many contemporary women find that the paths to self-empowerment are lonely, confusing and difficult.
I wanted GV29 to represent women who have found a clarifying methodology to accomplishing their desired goals. In all cases, it is a heavy psychological lift, yet completely achievable if one is completely dedicated to change.
The challenge lies in acquiring a positive and powerful uplifting conscious belief system; implementing a personal development program (both physically and mentally) as well as courageously wrestling with, in some cases, subtle, yet personality defining programmed self-esteem issues.
Personal struggles with Fear, Pain, Power, Rage, lack of Self-Confidence, Negativity, Defense of the Ego, Passion, Self-Expression, Laziness, and lack of Discipline and Training etc. are important factors that must be confronted, understood, overcome and the results ultimately integrated into one’s toolbox concept of self, in order to be successful.
Consistent sacrifices, setting priorities, organizing long and short-term goals must be made in order to achieve this next level of self-actualization.
As the Director of GV29, my desire is that my audiences will identify with this new Paradigm and be inspired to action by these Powerful Kick-Ass Women.
What social circumstances lead you to make your new film?
My observation of some women who don't understand or appreciate certain competitive basic work-ethic values.
What do you think about the PINK8 Manifesto & Punk Cinema?
A Great affirmative -action Paradigm for people to be exposed to alternative ways of thinking differently and taking No Shit from Nobody!.
Whats next for you?
A new film about the reality of Parallel Universes