What does your film A Year in the Life of a Disgruntled Teen express about today’s generation?
It addresses the fact that younger teenagers are going through a lot more emotional turmoil than most people would expect.
What social circumstances lead you to make your new film?
I was a freshman/sophomore in high school when I made this film, so social cliques and peer pressure heavily inspired the overall 'feel' of the film. Although, it was heavily influenced by mental illness and personal friendships/relationships everyone makes during high school.
What do you think about the PINK8 Manifesto & Punk Cinema?
I think it's revolutionary and a great kick-starter for young, self-sufficient filmmakers.
Whats next for you?
I am currently working on my family photography business while simultaneously going to college to get a bachelor's degree in digital photography. I am also working on making short movies and montages on my YouTube channel for fun.