Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Interview with filmmaker Ken Fanning

Gun For Fun will be screening at the Straight-Jacket Guerrilla Film Festival

*How did you get into making films? 
I watched Avatar, And thought it was utter shit and released that someone had to make a stand against mediocre Hollywood propaganda. That person was going to have to be me. 

*What inspired you to make your movie? 
East Belfast is the location of the film and it is where i live it has a certain kind of urban poetry of closed shops over weight people and weather that inspired despair. 

*How has your style evolved? 
Im a train clown. And for the last few year I have been trying to put the clown in charge of the camera and the editing. *Tell us any strange or funny stories while making the film? We made the music all in one 24 hour all nighter in my friends house. It all got really weird near the end of the night and we put together a version of “We found love in a hopeless place” by Rieanna who shot her video in Belfast. But we thought what would the tune shown like if a band form Belfast actually made the tune. We thought it sounded also at 5 in the morning, and when we woke up it still did. 

*The Misrule Film Movement & Pink8 manifesto bring what to mind? 
The tools to be creative and make film are so available and so easy to use yet few people do it. I know that creativity is a great way to make life so much more fun so much more fulfilling and the more we get people to create and she their creation the happier the world will be. 

*What can we expect from your next film? 
The next film is called Bathroom and has been shot in my Bathroom. Bathroom is a feature length dystopian si-fi lo-fi circus comedy movie. All shot in a real bathroom in East Belfast.