Director of the celebrated and baffling films Black Biscuit (2012) & Pregnant (2016), and now after his turn as the filmmaker from Mars; the bastard offspring of Ziggy Stardust, called Jett Hollywood, today he has created two films that inspire the viewer; first with how a man can find the strength to chase's life's joys by metamorphing into a new idea, even a modern superman, s seen in The Evolution Of The Earth Angel (2015) then Anarchy In The UK (2016) about cinema's wildside in the UK and it's punk DIY rip it up and start again ethos. Federico is regarded as one of the most gifted filmmakers in Europe. An underground hero both flawed and admired, a product of his times and another era. A spaceman.
His film manifesto PINK8 shuns many of the tricks of the filmmaking trade in an effort to recapture the truth, spontaneity and inventiveness of the medium: his passion for imaginative filmmaking was first demonstrated in his debut feature film Black Biscuit. A giving perception A genuine original ahead of his time, a provocative innovator. Critics and the mainstream public haven’t always been so kind; he has been reviled for being shocking, wicked and lurid.
The root of all the films is that his directing incorporates true emotions, making cinema both altered and dangerous while working with non actors. Renowned for his creativity and innovative ideas. Pregnant crystal meth aesthetic was a cocktail of sound and vision about the the 21st century's intense addiction to technology & celebrity. Incorporating his eclectic cinema taste of new and old mixed with his wired, avant garde experimentalism. Fav Movies: Ciao Manhattan The Brown Bunny Attenberg JFK: Zapruder Film Sweet Sweet Backs Bad Ass Song Dusty & Sweets Mcgee The 3 Amigos Shampoo The Great Rock & Roll Swindle