Monday 12 September 2022

INTERVIEW with author Georgiana Kent

How did you first get into writing? When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a manga artist. I spent all my free time drawing and sketching graphic novels. Then, university got in the way and teacher training took over and I had no time to draw. Whenever I had holidays and picked up a pencil, I was never happy with the results. So, I turned to writing. But, even now, when I write, I see the characters like an anime in my head. 

What lead you to write this book? My morning commute to university in London took me past a house with no front door. Whilst I knew the neighbouring house had merged it with theirs and done away with the front door, I immediately thought of who would live in a house with no front door. And into my imagination walked my time traveller, Michael Nicholas. A day later, my female main character Erica Shylocke introduced herself and the world her and Michael lived in. 

What was the biggest challenge during the project? Keys of Time was my first ever book. It was something I did to while away boredom during holidays and my maternity leave. But I never researched the craft of writing, so when it came to editing it, I had a lot to do! 

Did any funny stories occur during the writing process? Well, not exactly funny, but I started writing my book on my phone in Google Docs because my laptop had broken, and it was going great. Then, one day when I open up the document it was all gone. For no reason. Gone. Everything. About 40,000 words. I was devastated. Hubby came home to find me bawling my eyes out. I told him what had happened and the next thing I knew he vanished, returning an hour later with a brand-new laptop for me! 

What was the most interesting thing you learnt while making the book? When writing Book Two, Keys of Fate, I asked a paramedic and detective to help with some scenes. I learnt all about flatlines, police procedure for emergencies and special forces. 

What other projects do you have in mind for the future? I’m currently writing Keys of Death, the third and final instalment in my Soul Dominion series. I am also beginning work on a follow up series following my Korean vampire whilst drafting a fantasy romance series. It’s been tricky working out a routine to balance multiple projects, but I'm finally there. I can't wait to share them with everyone! 

Find me on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok: authorgeorgianakent