What does your film express about today's generation?
That the
inner workings of people I feel have become far more complex and self
aware which causes a clash between generations perhaps causing a rift in
time that transposes the Millenial Mind (TM)
to the Past Mind which truly I feel is what the Jazz is all about.
What social circumstances lead you to make your new film?
I don't
really know but I guess the ones that were there are the ones that
influenced me. I think maybe it was the pictures on my wall.
What do you think about the PINK8 Manifesto & Punk Cinema?
I think it's almost as exciting as "punk bass".
Whats next for you?
I just directed the new Amityville horror movie, and next I'm making the new ReAnimator movie. After that I want to do something more psychedelic although I think I'm
gonna make the ReAnimator movie as psychedelic as I can.
Thank you!